
User Guide


This is a Task Manager application called Duke. You may interact with it by entering commands as shown in the sections below. Interested? Jump right ahead to Quick Start!

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.
  2. Download the latest duke-0.2.jar here
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for the application.
  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear with a greeting.
    • Alternatively, run java -jar duke-0.2.jar in the terminal in the folder where you saved the jar file.


IMPORTANT: Please follow the command format exactly.

Summary of the features:

Feature 1: Listing tasks

list : Lists all the tasks that you currently have.

Format: list

Example usage: list

Possible Expected Outcome:

    1. [T][✓] CS2103T Team Project
    2. [D][✘] CS3243 Project (by: 07 Mar 20)
    3. [E][✘] CS3243 Midterm (at: 07 Mar 20)
    4. [E][✘] CS3230 Midterm (at: 07 Mar 20)

Feature 2: Adding deadlines

deadline : Adds a deadline task to the application.

Format: deadline [name] /by YYYY-MM-DD


Example usage: deadline CS2103T homework /by 2020-02-20

Expected outcome: I have added that deadline!

Feature 3: Adding events

event : Adds an event task to the application.

Format: event [name] /at YYYY-MM-DD


Example usage: event CS3243 Midterm /at 2020-03-07

Expected outcome: I have added that event!

Feature 4: Adding todos

todo : Adds a todo task to the application.

Format: todo [name]


Example usage: todo Laundry

Expected outcome: I have added that todo!

Feature 5: Indicating that a task is done

done: Indicates that a task is done

Format: done [index]


Example usage: done 1

Expected outcome: I have marked that task as done!

When using list, this will change from:

    1. [T][✘] CS2103T Team Project


    1. [T][✓] CS2103T Team Project

Feature 6: Finding tasks

find: Finds the tasks which matches they keyword supplied to the command.

Format: find [keywords]


Example usage: find CS

Possible expected outcome:

    1. [T][✓] CS2103T Team Project
    2. [D][✘] CS3243 Project (by: 07 Mar 20)
    3. [E][✘] CS3243 Midterm (at: 07 Mar 20)
    4. [E][✘] CS3230 Midterm (at: 07 Mar 20)
    5. [D][✘] CS2103T homework (by: 20 Feb 20)

Feature 8: Exiting the application

bye: Exits the application.

Format: bye

Example usage: bye

Expected outcome: The application exits.