In NUS, CS1101S Programming Methodology is the introductory course to programming for CS freshmen. It uses the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs textbook, which is adapted to JavaScript (it was recently announced that the adaptation is going public!). The course itself is actually taught by using a subset of JavaScript called Source, written and developed by the teaching team together with some students. I am aware that there are many undesirable things in JS, and Source aims to mitigate that by “providing the good parts”. That way, freshmen can still learn fundamentals of programming without having to learn the intricacies of the actual JS.
The module has been taught by Assoc Prof Martin Henz and Dr Low Kok Lim for several years now. Traditionally, it used to be an optional 5-Modular Credits module, slightly more workload compared to a standard 4-MC module. As of AY18/19 (the year I matriculated), it became a compulsory 4-MC module for CS freshmen.
Avenger is a term used in the module to refer to the tutors, usually undergraduates. A tutorial1 class in CS1101S usually comprises of 6 to 8 students (only!), and led by an Avenger which serves the role of facilitating discussions. Perhaps they are best described as ‘Discussion Group Facilitators’. But hey, that’s a mouthful, and an ‘Avenger’ does sound way cooler!
In AY19/20 Sem 1 (Fall 2019), I took up the role of an Avenger. I led a discussion group of 6 students (initially it was supposed to be 8 but there was some reshuffling around). It’s been a super busy semester, and I would like to share my experience on being one. If you are a student contemplating on whether to apply on being an Avenger, hope this post can help provide you with some insights!
Actually, during the holiday break prior to the sem, I also worked as an Avenger for SWS3012, which is a 2-week Summer Workshop for visiting international students, taught with condensed CS1101S material. Due to this exposure, Prof Martin asked if I was willing to be an “Avenger Mentor” to mentor the new Avengers once the sem took a full swing. I took up this role. I will briefly talk about these 2 experiences as well.
This post will not be a review of the module, but rather a reflection on my experience as an Avenger, as well as my personal approach to being one.
1 A tutorial class in CS1101S is called a 'Studio'. For readers who are not from CS1101S background, I will try to stick to the term 'tutorial' in this blog.
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